2 - 3 rounds chopstick gun.
It has a simple method.
P604 KACHITTO, it has a non burst mechanism.
It is characterized by "Barrel-In-Barrel" mechanism.
Inner barrel is enable to slide.
Trigger and the hooks.
Loaded 2 rubber bands.
When the trigger is pulled, the 1st band is released , but the 2nd is not released.
Because the trigger is blocked by the rear-end of the inner barrel.
When the trigger is returned, the inner barrel moves forward by a spring.
Next, when it is pulled, the 2nd band is released.
The name KACHITTO means "CLATTER" in Japanese.
With a trial work.
<Completion Date> 2008/08
<Model Name> P604 KACHITTO
<Category> Hand Gun
<Length> 375 MM
<Barrel Length> 250 MM ( 1st ) , 275 MM ( 2nd )
<Capacity> 2 rounds
<Ammo> #16 Rubber Band (Japan Industrial Standards)
<Action> Semi Auto
2008.08.17 UP