Releasing by string.
It is not gun-like.
Single barrel.
But it has a big capacity.
Holding pins.
Coil the string around a pin first. Next load a rubber band.
Then, coil it once more and load the 2nd rubber band.
When the string is pulled, rubber bands are released.
Spiral coiling.
66 rounds.
The string is a length of 100 CM.
The peep rear sight.
Front sight.
The name ITO-OCACY (Ito Okashi),
Ito means "STRING" and
Okashi means "STRANGE, CHARM, FUNNY" in ancient Japanese.
Please watch the video.
<Completion Date> 2006/11
<Model Name> P502 ITO-OKACY
<Category> Sub Machine Gun
<Length> 370 MM
<Barrel Length> 200 ~ 365 MM
<Capacity> 66 rounds
<Ammo> #16 Rubber Band (Japan Industrial Standards)
<Action> Manual-Pseudo-Full-Auto
2006.12.01 UP