The P313 BIG JAW with "Slalom-Hooks and Switching-Release-Mechanism".
The upper structure seems like a something jaw.
The upper teeth are "Catching hooks".
And the lower teeth are "Holding hooks".
6 rounds.
Switching-Release-Mechanism by an inner releaser.
Top interspaces of the releaser are to prevent pinching rubber bands.
Cloud style design.
The grip made from MDF.
The right side.
The left side.
Made from plywood, Japanese cypress and ginkgo.
Please watch the video.
<Completion Date> 2014/06
<Model Name> P313 BIG JAW
<Category> Hand Gun
<Length> 380 MM
<Barrel Length> 280 MM
<Capacity> 6 rounds
<Ammo> #16 Rubber Band (Japan Industrial Standards)
<Action> Semi Auto
2015.08.29 UP